Komodo 3 for Android

Don Dailey and Larry Kaufman's Komodo version 3 is now available for Android (ARMv5TE) at UCI engines for Android. A quick one second per move tournament ended in favor of the previous version 2.03 (possibly because Don fixed the movetime command to honor the given time exactly; previous versions would sometimes use more time, which may have skewed estimates of their strength a bit).

1   Komodo32 2.03 AB  +50/-18/=32 66.00%   66.0/100
2   Komodo32 3 AB     +18/-50/=32 34.00%   34.0/100


sarfaraz said…
Sir, can you tell me how to highlight the path when the coin is selected...I am trapped here,can you help me out with this problem....
Aart Bik said…
Are you asking how to move a piece? Tap the piece on the screen, this highlights all possible destination squares. Tap one of those to complete the move.
sarfaraz said…
How is it possible that when you select the coin it automatically shows the destination squares???
can you give me the code...

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