DoubleCheck 1.1 Results
Lucas added the movetime command to DoubleCheck (the stop command is still lacking) which enabled conducting a few quick 1-second per move matches to determine the strength of the engine.
DoubleCheck 1.1
- Komodo32 2.03 AB +0/-10/=0 0.00%
- GreKo 8.0 +0/-10/=0 0.00%
- gaviota v0.83.0.3 +0/-9/=1 5.00%- RedQueen 0.9.8 +0/-9/=1 5.00%
- Jazz v444 JA +1/-7/=2 20.00%
- BikJump v2.1P +2/-4/=4 40.00%
- ZCT-0.3.2500 +4/-5/=1 45.00%
- Chess for Android +6/-0/=4 80.00%