One Star Ratings
I don't mind constructive criticism. Really, I don't. But take two recent one-star reviews for Chess for Android:
Stupid cant start a new game after youve lost
greg Fri, Mar 12 01:31:00 UTC 2010
This game cheats. Pawns shouldnt be able to capture pieces next to them and then move diagonally.
Eyal Wed, Mar 10 02:35:00 UTC 2010
Really, my game gets one star because you cannot find the menu button on your own phone, or because you don't know the en-passant rule (see also previous posting)? Please, if you don't like the game for a good reason, by all means give one star. But this?
Stupid cant start a new game after youve lost
greg Fri, Mar 12 01:31:00 UTC 2010
This game cheats. Pawns shouldnt be able to capture pieces next to them and then move diagonally.
Eyal Wed, Mar 10 02:35:00 UTC 2010
Really, my game gets one star because you cannot find the menu button on your own phone, or because you don't know the en-passant rule (see also previous posting)? Please, if you don't like the game for a good reason, by all means give one star. But this?