Komodo 2.03 available
The new Komodo has been heavily tested by many chess fans, and Larry and Don had to make a few bug fixes. You can find an Android binary of the latest version 2.03 at the usual place.
Quick tournament on a Nexus S:
1 Komodo32 2.03 AB +34/-23/=43 55.50% 55.5/100
2 Komodo32 2.01 AB +23/-34/=43 44.50% 44.5/100
Quick tournament on a Nexus S:
1 Komodo32 2.03 AB +34/-23/=43 55.50% 55.5/100
2 Komodo32 2.01 AB +23/-34/=43 44.50% 44.5/100