Perft for Checkers (yet again)

Rein Halbersma recently posted 8x8 checkers perft results for depth 22 with a request for confirmation (because he uses a hash table, he wanted to make sure no "hard collisions" occur). So I verified his results for depth 22 using a distributed, brute force implementation (no hash tables).

The table below shows the perft breakdown per move (called "divide") from the start position for depths 20 to 22.

move    divide(20)      divide(21)       divide(22)
12-16:  11531470109861  52945190026737  243598269855110
11-16:  11736729175821  53527954221225  246743868125768
11-15:   9515983205474  44775005468548  209016678583301
10-15:  10055597639275  46574865098865  215412869777867
10-14:   8600202424158  39822944739732  184865466345796
 9-14:   9698986164172  45530585259776  213736468971938
 9-13:  13406062152792  61923979665936  288999100078322
        74545030871553 345100524480819 1602372721738102

For more information, see my checkers page.


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