Perft for Checkers (again)
Today I was prototyping a distributed worker pool at work which needed some test input, and this gave me a good excuse to compute perft for checkers for depth 21 (one deeper than results I posted a while back). The perft breakdown per move (called "divide") from the start position for depths 18 up to 21 is shown below.
move divide(18) divide(19) divide(20) divide(21)
12-16: 550829166472 2517202147314 11531470109861 52945190026737
11-16: 566149929068 2564849953998 11736729175821 53527954221225
11-15: 435063007630 2041959240377 9515983205474 44775005468548
10-15: 472279451484 2180656975018 10055597639275 46574865098865
10-14: 402570639569 1859042884028 8600202424158 39822944739732
9-14: 441590753001 2068865301476 9698986164172 45530585259776
9-13: 625398758917 2881467090588 13406062152792 61923979665936
3493881706141 16114043592799 74545030871553 345100524480819