Komodo2 for Android
Don Dailey and Larry Kaufman released version 2 of their chess engine Komodo. You can find an ARM-based Android binary on UCI engines for Android. The new release seems stronger than the already impressive previous version. A quick one second-per-move, 32MB hash tournament on a Nexus S against Komodo1.3 resulted in 73 vs. 27 in favor of Komodo2.
The new Komodo scored 48.5% against Stockfish 2.1 under the same settings.
1 Stockfish 2.1 +38/-35/=27 51.50% 51.5/100
2 Komodo32 2AB +35/-38/=27 48.50% 48.5/100
1 Komodo32 2AB +58/-12/=30 73.00% 73.0/100
2 Komodo32 1.3 JA +12/-58/=30 27.00% 27.0/100
The new Komodo scored 48.5% against Stockfish 2.1 under the same settings.
1 Stockfish 2.1 +38/-35/=27 51.50% 51.5/100
2 Komodo32 2AB +35/-38/=27 48.50% 48.5/100