I have received several questions on how to connect Chess for Android running on an Android device (e.g. a phone) as client to a remote chess server (e.g. a powerful desktop), so I decided to write a small document with detailed instructions. What you will need: The server software from Bernhard Wallner's chess utilities , suited for your server's operating system (if, say, your desktop runs Windows, you will need to download the Windows version). You do not need to download the client software in this case. The network enabled version of Chess for Android . On the server, start the engine server software, and construct a new row for every engine you want to run remotely. Assign a name, port number, and select the full path to each engine binary (an executable that runs on the server). You can also supply command line options for starting the engine. Check the active checkboxes and click start when done. This yields something similar to the screenshots below. Here, I have s...
But it has great bugs with PGN format from other vendors.
For example, this file is not opened by Aart's Chess (PGN_7Apr_21h54m.pgn):
[Event "AI Factory's Chess"]
[Site "Android Device"]
[Date "7 Apr 2012"]
[Round "1"]
[White "You"]
[Black "Cpu (6)"]
[PlyCount "101"]
[Result "1-0"]
1. d2d4 d7d5 2. c2c4 d5xc4 3. e2e4 e7e5 4. d4d5 Ng8f6 5. Nb1c3 Bc8d7
6. Bf1xc4 Bf8b4 7. Bc1g5 Bb4xc3 8. b2xc3 a7a5 9. Ng1f3 h7h6 10. Bg5xf6 Qd8xf6
11. O-O Nb8a6 12. Bc4b3 O-O-O 13. c3c4 Na6c5 14. Qd1d2 Bd7g4 15. Bb3d1 Bg4xf3
16. Bd1xf3 Qf6g6 17. h2h3 b7b6 18. Bf3g4 Kc8b8 19. f2f4 Nc5xe4 20. Qd2b2 f7f5
21. Bg4f3 Ne4g3 22. Rf1c1 e5e4 23. Bf3d1 e4e3 24. c4c5 e3e2 25. Bd1xe2 Rd8xd5
26. c5xb6 Ng3xe2 27. Qb2xe2 c7xb6 28. Ra1b1 Rd5d7 29. Rb1b5 Kb8a8 30. Rc1b1 Rd7d6
31. Qe2f3 Ka8a7 32. Qf3e3 Rh8e8 33. Rb5xa5 Ka7b8 34. Qe3f3 Re8e4 35. Ra5e5 Re4xe5
36. f4xe5 Rd6c6 37. a2a4 Kb8c8 38. Rb1e1 Kc8d8 39. Qf3d5 Kd8e7 40. a4a5 b6xa5
41. Qd5xa5 Qg6g5 42. Qa5d5 Qg5g6 43. Kg1h2 Rc6c2 44. e5e6 Qg6e8 45. Qd5xf5 Rc2c4
46. Re1d1 Qe8b8 47. Kh2h1 Qb8f4 48. Rd1d7 Ke7e8 49. Qf5g6 Ke8f8 50. Qg6xg7 Kf8e8
51. Qg7e7
Glad I could help!
The PGN you show does not adhere to the formal PGN standard at all, which requires moves are given in SAN format. My parser tries to accept non-standards as well, though, so perhaps with a simple extension I can accept this very nonstandard file you show as well.
The next release of Chess for Android will parse the non-standard PGN you presented as well.
Where am I going wrong
You are not doing anything wrong, but I have taken down the chess server again (it was only temporary). Please drop me a note if you want to experiment with this setup again.