U.S. Citizenship

The adventure that started in Indiana in 1996 and continued in California in 1998 reached a very special point today. I received my U.S. Citizenship. Thanks, America, for being my home for so many years and welcoming me into the American family.


Kevin Lipe said…
I follow the blog because I have your chess app on my Droid, but hey, congratulations on your citizenship! I know that's not easy.
Anonymous said…
good job Aart. Got mine in 2001. Congratulations.
Lars Petter Endresen said…
Ha en god dag Aart! Ni tiendedeler av all visdom består i å være vis i tide.
Theodore Roosevelt
Aart Bik said…
Takk Lars Petter!
Lars Petter Endresen said…
U bent van harte welkom! Google Translator is redelijk goed met spreekwoorden. Gewoon even kijken: "Alleen een dwaas zegt dat hij weet, de show zijn onwetendheid toe."
Lars Petter Endresen said…
I wonder if the Dutch version was translated correctly from Norwegian? This is the English version:
"Only a fool knows everything. A wise man knows how little he knows."

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