Commodore 64
Remember this screen?

Yes, that's right. I too became interested in computer science because of the Commodore 64. Although I still have my Commodore 64 somewhere, nowadays it is much easier to relive the good old times with an emulator, such as CCS64 (Per HÃ¥kan Sundell), VICE (the VICE team), or MP64 (an emulator under development by Michael Plet).
A while back I wrote a 6510 cross-assembler win2c64 that converts an assembler source file into a target file that can run on one of these emulators or, with some work, on the real Commodore 64 (an assembler converts human readable mnemonics, labels, and simple expressions into machine code; win2c64 is a cross-assembler because it runs on a Windows platform but generates machine code for the Commodore 64). If you are interested, you can find the cross-assembler and some sample programs at Aart's C64 page.

Yes, that's right. I too became interested in computer science because of the Commodore 64. Although I still have my Commodore 64 somewhere, nowadays it is much easier to relive the good old times with an emulator, such as CCS64 (Per HÃ¥kan Sundell), VICE (the VICE team), or MP64 (an emulator under development by Michael Plet).
A while back I wrote a 6510 cross-assembler win2c64 that converts an assembler source file into a target file that can run on one of these emulators or, with some work, on the real Commodore 64 (an assembler converts human readable mnemonics, labels, and simple expressions into machine code; win2c64 is a cross-assembler because it runs on a Windows platform but generates machine code for the Commodore 64). If you are interested, you can find the cross-assembler and some sample programs at Aart's C64 page.