
Perft for Checkers for Depth 26

I made some improvements to my distributed implementation for computing perft and divide numbers for 8x8 checkers , and now computed depth 26 from the initial position, shown below. As reported earlier, the numbers were computed on a cluster of machines, further optimized with a "hard collision"-free transposition table as well as bulk counting. The move generator does not eliminate duplicate captures (viz. the situation where a king can capture the same pieces in different directions; a situation that starts to occur at depth 12 and up). move              divide(26) ---------------------------- 12-16:    111362678435231752 11-16:    112590257768420515 11-15:    101352649993886926 10-15:    100552646996749293 10-14:     86312674861234785  9-14:    103811787278058952  9-13:    136189763354484914 ---------------------------- perft(26) 752172458688067137    

Perft for Checkers for Depth 25

Continuing my quest for deeper and deeper perft numbers for 8x8 checkers , I now computed depth 25 with the same distributed implementation I used earlier for depths up to 24. Below you see the perft breakdown per move (called "divide") from the initial position for depths 23, 24 and 25 (my depth 23 and 24 numbers were recently kindly confirmed by Murray Cash at the World Draughts Forum ). move          divide(23)        divide(24)          divide(25) -------------------------------------------------------------- 12-16:  1123463594881857  5192042148594780   24019313789608561 11-16:  1131373985922218  5248615918291379   24153215782987793 11-15:   984253557821317  4602138522979438   21659601983574539 10-15:  1000606302770349  4643700995955222   21609957136212495 10-14:   856779998157523  3988937724259353   18496978526984076  9-14:  1003310451936358  4712325943133747   22101040287502927  9-13:  1337748969176591  6263620622082081   29027372375205409 --------------------------

Further Localication

I just released version 4.0.5 of Chess for Android, available through Google Play or as direct download . This release mainly extends localization to more languages, but it also provides a new feature: copying the engine analysis to the clipboard. The following languages are now supported: Afrikaans (af) Chinese (zh) Czech (cs) Dutch (nl) English (en) French (fr) German (de) Hebrew (iw) Hindi (hi)        [coming soon] Icelandic (is)   [coming soon] Italian (it) Polish (pl) Portuguese (pt-br) Russian (ru) Spanish (es) Swedish (sv) Turkish (tr) Many thanks to my translation team: Vinícius Angiolucci, Lucas Braesch, A.N. Bürümcekci, Panna Chowdhury, Anton Hansson, Arnar Mar Hrafnkelsson, Michal Kaczmarek, Dara Koper, Morgan Lombard, Krizia Lopez, Dennis Prochko, Martin Sedlák, Philip Stutz, Haran Talmon, Ted Wong, and last but certainly not least C.R. Zamana!

Localization of Chess for Android

Version 4.0 of Chess for Android, available at either Google Play or as direct download , focuses on localization and internationalization. All user facing text (except the chess notation and engine messages) has been translated into the following languages. English (the default) Dutch (translated myself) German (many thanks to Philip Stutz) Hebrew (many thanks to Haran Talmon) Polish (many thanks to Michal Kaczmarek) Spanish (many thanks to Krizia Lopez) Swedish (many thanks to Anton Hansson) If you spot any mistakes, if you would like to see support for other languages or, even better, if you would like to help with further localization, please drop me a private note.

Scrolling utility for the micro-KIM

I had been working on some general utilities for the micro-KIM , and used some spare time during the long weekend to finish a scrolling putchar utility that can output letters and digits to the 7-segment display in a scrolling fashion (some letters needed more improvisation than others, but my daughter Karina helped me designing all the letters and converting them to hex). Here is a demo.

DeepBrutePos for Android

Folkert van Heusen is developing a chess engine, called DeepBrutePos , and he also wrote a version for Android. The engine is written in Java, and he used the Android SDK to develop a version that acts as a chess server, so that it can be imported as network socket in Chess for Android (a rather unusual, but nifty use of that feature). I conducted a quick test with one of the first versions. Below the results of a one-second-per move tournament from both sides of all Nunn opening lines on a Nexus One. I was hoping for better results for Folkert, but hopefully he will release a strong version soon. Good luck!                        1        2          3         4         5        6                    1 BikJump v2.1P        *     17.5- 2.5 20.0- 0.0 20.0- 0.0 20.0-0.0 20.0-0.0 97.5/100 2 fairymax48q       2.5-17.5     *     10.0-10.0 12.5-7.5  18.5-1.5 20.0-0.0 63.5/100 3 umax48w           0.0-20.0 10.0-10.0     *     12.0- 8.0 20.0-0.0 20.0-0.0 62.0/100 4 Chess for Android 0.0-

Chess for Android v3.3

I just released version 3.3 of Chess for Android, available at Google Play or as direct download . The new features include: Ability to modify filenames of regular and tournament games. Information on network status during socket setup. In the older versions, regular games and tournament games were alway appended to, respectively, the files games.pgn and tour.pgn on SD card. The new feature allows users to change these defaults through a "Change pathnames" menu. The pathnames can even include subdirectories, provides these directories exist.   The second feature displays information on the network status during socket setup (mobile connection, Wifi, etc.). In the version without network permissions (the default on Google Play), a proper warning message is shown instead.  

Monitoring Stations in the Bay Area

Below a more detailed view of all monitoring stations in the Bay Area that are part of the radiation network , where my station shows in slightly darker yellow. The station near LLNL usually shows a similar CPM rating, while the one in the South Bay usually shows a bit higher CPM. As long as my station is up, you can also view this real-time map .

Radiation Network

I purchased GeigerGraph for Networks from Mineralab, and joined the radiation network , which is a network of volunteers all over the world with radiation monitoring stations that report local CPM (counts per minute) ratings. In the graph below, you can see my station in the East Bay in slightly darker yellow. I can highly recommend this software. The maps show active monitoring stations all over the world, and one can obtain more detailed information for each station. The software also generates graphs or spreadsheets of measured data, and allows specifying alert actions, such as sending an email, when CPM ratings exceed a certain maximum. The software can also post a  real-time map on a server .

Geiger Counter Continued

I investigated the large variation observed in the graph of June 6. While babysitting the monitoring software, I noticed that occasionally the software would report bursts of over 200 CPM, even though the Geiger counter itself never measured such a spike. Two "faulty minutes" in one hour could easily explain the 400 clicks variation. Therefore, I first tried different serial/USB converters (settings were always as specified by the GC manufacturer), since low quality converters are notorious for messing up signals. But I noticed faulty burst even for expensive converters. Then I tried my only computer that still has a serial port. Now, no more faulty bursts occurred during several test runs. After that, I redid the 24 hours experiment. The results are shown below. A much more stable graph, reporting around 700 CPH, or .1 μSv/hour, which translates into about .9 mSv/year. I am glad I am now able to perform more reliable measurements. If anyone has suggestions on debuggi