DeepBrutePos for Android

Folkert van Heusen is developing a chess engine, called DeepBrutePos, and he also wrote a version for Android. The engine is written in Java, and he used the Android SDK to develop a version that acts as a chess server, so that it can be imported as network socket in Chess for Android (a rather unusual, but nifty use of that feature).

I conducted a quick test with one of the first versions. Below the results of a one-second-per move tournament from both sides of all Nunn opening lines on a Nexus One. I was hoping for better results for Folkert, but hopefully he will release a strong version soon. Good luck!

                       1        2          3         4         5        6                   
1 BikJump v2.1P        *     17.5- 2.5 20.0- 0.0 20.0- 0.0 20.0-0.0 20.0-0.0 97.5/100
2 fairymax48q       2.5-17.5     *     10.0-10.0 12.5-7.5  18.5-1.5 20.0-0.0 63.5/100
3 umax48w           0.0-20.0 10.0-10.0     *     12.0- 8.0 20.0-0.0 20.0-0.0 62.0/100
4 Chess for Android 0.0-20.0  7.5-12.5  8.0-12.0     *     17.0-3.0 20.0-0.0 52.5/100
5 Simplex 0.9.7 180 0.0-20.0  1.5-18.5  0.0-20.0  3.0-17.0     *    20.0-0.0 24.5/100
6 DeepBrutePos v1.6 0.0-20.0  0.0-20.0  0.0-20.0  0.0-20.0  0.0-20.0    *     0.0/100


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